
Sonnox Voca 是快速获得专业人声的最佳解决方案

Voca 在一个插件中实现了所有这些功能。已经体验过的人告诉我们,该插件「改变了游戏规则」


Get Professional Sounding Vocals, Fast

Compressing vocals can be an intense time in any mix. Get it right, and your vocals will shine through the song, leaving the listener hooked on every word being sung. Get it wrong, and vocals can sound overly squashed and lifeless or too dynamic to the point that lyrics are lost behind the rest of the tracks.

Amazing sounding vocals should not take hours of frustration whilst endlessly tweaking the many compressor settings, leaving you disheartened with the results.

Meet Sonnox Voca; the definitive solution for professional-sounding vocals, fast.

Through Voca’s simple to use interface, you’ll easily be able to mix outstanding vocals that blow your listeners away, leaving them craving for more. You’ll be transformed from dreading compressing vocals to loving the process, safe in the knowledge that Voca will enable you to mix stunning vocals that fit perfectly in the mix on every session you work on.

Are you ready to reach professional vocals that perfectly blend with your mix without the hours of frustration? Then Voca is waiting for you.

人声压缩器的未来每个工程师、混音师或制作人都知道,人声是任何顶级混音当中的顶梁柱。完美的人声制作的确是一门艺术,而有了 Sonnox Voca,这门艺术将变得更加简单。

通常情况下,许多过程都是结合在一起的:电平自动化 / 剪輯增益,也许再加上几个具有互补特性的压缩器、饱和度,以及对刺耳频率和齿音的一些动态控制。也许还需要进一步的电平控制,以确保在旁路时,你能清楚地知道这些处理过程在你的原声中增加/减少了什么?

Voca 在一个插件中实现了所有这些功能。已经体验过的人告诉我们,该插件「改变了游戏规则」。

为你的人声增加动力,简化你的工作流程加载一堆插件,面对一堆繁琐的参数,并无法理清工作流程。会使你的创作过程不堪重负并受到阻碍,从而导致无法创造出令人惊讶的人声效果。不过不用担心,我们有办法解决这个问题。Sonnox Voca 是快速获得专业人声的最佳解决方案。

有了 Voca,你不仅不再需要多个压缩器插件,还能将你的工作流程提升到一个全新的简单高效水平。告别复杂的阈值、比率、时间常数、增益降低和增益补偿。Voca 独特而直观的界面将为你的个性化艺术创作助一臂之力。将你的创造力从毫无头绪和过时的工作流程中解放出来。有了 Voca,你可以快速实现专业、前卫的人声,与混音完美融合,吸引听众。体验工作流程的转变,带来难忘的听觉体验。

压缩处理体验 Voca 压缩器毫不妥协的品质。受 1176 + LA-2A 等一系列经典产品的启发,Voca 超越了硬件和建模插件,具有独特的 Sonnox 风格和完全的数字自由度。Voca 可满足你对慢速、有弹性的压缩效果的要求,以获得动感和节奏感,或者是充满活力、前卫、贴脸的人声效果。

饱和处理利用 Voca 先进的「饱和度」功能,让丰富、密集、复杂的人声真正熠熠生辉。从温暖、深沉到通透、清晰,都能轻松驾驭,直观地引导人声的前后位置,确保人声在混音中的完美表现。有了 Voca,实现完美人声从未如此简单。

柔化处理体验 Voca 柔化控制的魔力,智能减少毛刺和齿音,让混音完美融合。Soften 可主动塑造你的人声音色,消除干扰,确保整体声音的流畅。它能保持人声的活力,使 Soften 成为制作无懈可击的人声作品的秘密武器。

自动输入电平有了 Voca 的自动输入音量,你就可以轻松实现人声平衡,告别费时的前置效果自动化或片段增益调整。它能在不同的乐句和段落中保持稳定的音量,复制经验丰富的混音师的精确度。它不仅能节省大量时间:效果如何?完美平衡的人声。

Compression Background

Compress your vocals easily and quickly with uncompromising quality, no matter the genre. Get slow, bouncy compression for momentum and groove or a vibrant, upfront, and in-your-face vocal in seconds. Combining digital freedom with inspiration from the classic 1176 and LA-2A compressors, Voca advances your vocal mixes beyond hardware emulation.


Saturation Background

Get rich, dense, complex vocals that truly shine with the Saturation control. Effortlessly navigate your vocal from warmth and depth to airiness and clarity. Intuitively steer your vocals' front-back position, and listen as Voca makes sure your vocal track remains sitting perfectly in the mix.


Soften Background

Reduce vocal sibilance and prevent harsh vocal parts from sticking out uncontrollably with the Soften dial. A unique addition to a vocal compressor plugin, Soften works magic on difficult vocals. You’ll be able to soften harshness and soothe esses within your vocals to seamlessly blend them into the mix and give your vocal track a refined, polished sound.

Vocal Tone Softener

Auto-Input Level Background

Effortlessly balance the dynamics of your vocal to give the best compression results. Voca's Auto-Input Volume replicates the precision of an experienced mixer so you can bid farewell to time-consuming and tedious work, allowing you to focus on the final sound of your vocal track.

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Vocal Rider

授权方法Sonnox Toolbox 系列为你购买的每个产品许可证提供 2 次激活。只要你有一个 iLok 账户,每次激活都可以在任意一个电脑/USB 狗/云上授权使用你的插件:

  1. 电脑:你的电脑本身;
  2. iLok 狗:iLok 2 / iLok 搭配最新的 iLok 驱动程序;
  3. 云:iLok 云,需要联网。

支持的宿主Sonnox Toolbox Voca 兼容任何支持 Audio Unit (AU)、VST3或 Pro Tools AAX Native 插件的电脑端应用程序。

系统需求 Pro Tools AAX:Pro Tools 11 及以上版本 - AAX Native,需要经过认证的 Pro Tools 专用 CPU、操作系统和硬件配置:www.avid.comAudio Units: Audio Units (AU) 兼容应用程序(Logic、Digital Performer 等),要求 Mac OS X 10.8 或更高版本VST3: VST3:兼容 VST3 的应用程序(Cubase、Nuendo、Studio One 等),至少需要 Mac OS X 10.8 或

Dan Weller


Caskets, Holding Absence, Bury Tomorrow

"I’ve been an obsessive plug-in collector for almost 25 years. I love to get my hands on new software to see if it gives me that rare feeling…The feeling of “how did I live without this?”. When I first used Voca, I genuinely started grinning. It’s so beautifully smooth and fun to use. The soften feature is a game changer. Voca has been on every mix since, and I can’t see that changing."

Robert L Smith


Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Lady Gaga

"I swapped out my previous vocal chain for Voca and received this message from the client: "Thank you so much for the mix; the vocals are so much softer now. I don't know how you did it, but you seem to have understood what I meant when I said I wanted them sweeter. You are a wizard." So it works amazingly well, like everything you guys do!"

Craig Bauer


Kanye West, Ed Sheeran, Kurt Elling

"At this point, 30 years on, very few plugins have my jaw on the floor, especially compressor and saturation plugins, but Voca is simply incredible. In less than 10 seconds, it just became one of those plugins that is now NOT optional. It saved me hours of work today on a vocal that was all over the place. It's going to save me hours of work every day."

Cameron Craig


Grace Jones, UNKLE, Katie Melua

"Voca has now become invaluable. The Auto-Input feature is a massive time-saver, eliminating the need for clip-gaining and enhancing the musicality of the Compressor, but what truly won me over was the Soften control— it delivers outstanding sound quality, balances out any harshness, and couldn't be easier to use"

Gethin Pearson headshot


Badly Drawn Boy, Bloc Party, Crystal Fighters

"Voca has really transformed my process. There's no more trying infinite possibilities of plugins or daisy-chaining multiple compressors. Voca gets me to the end result so much quicker because it keeps me focused on what I'm working on. It's all about me, trusting my ears and moving things around until I think, "That's the best record I can make"."

David Botrill


Tool, Godsmack, Muse

“Voca is a great tool to quickly streamline parts into a busy mix. I almost felt guilty at how easy it was to get a good sound out of it.” 

Ryan McCambridge face close up


Mastadon, Rush, Birds of Tokyo 

"The fluidity of Voca is amazing. The interface breaks habits of how to treat a vocal and just lets you explore. The results are quick, effective and sound great." 

AAX native 兼容音频插件
AU 兼容音频插件
ilok cloud
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