
Claro(音乐均衡)​- DAW 音频插件

Claro 是一款专门针对音乐制作与混音流程的均衡插件。


Claro 是一款专门针对音乐制作与混音流程的均衡插件








激活方式:支持iLok 2、iLok 3、iLok Cloud、电脑本地;可以同时激活2个设备。


The EQ Plugin for Creative Producers / 适合创意制作人的 EQ DAW 音频插件


在带有插件合成器、循环和鼓机的 DAW 中编写音乐时,源声音都倾向于在整个频谱中占据大量空间。

这会为您的混音增加许多的工作量。 在这个阶段,些许的声音塑形都会对音色带来很大的变化。

- 如果我们能使我们听到的东西更接近于最终混音的声音,我们就能在考虑到最终声音的情况下做出如何调整的选择。

如果快速音量和 EQ 调整无法将新部分与现有乐器融合在一起,那么尝试不同的声源或交织的旋律或和弦安排将会让音乐更加动听。

目前在调整 EQ 的过程中,很容易因为各种错综复杂的细节而丢失目标。



然而,如果我们未能发现我们前期 EQ 调整的隐患,其势必会在最终的混音中造成问题,因为我们会用到许多的插件,并不只是在一个插件内进行调整。

靠经验就更难了,建立直觉需要更长的时间。考虑到这一点,Claro 允许其灵活性随着时间的推移而展开。


It’s easy to get distracted with the possibilities that come with modern EQs. Your plugins should work with you to free up your creativity and not drag you into making infinite minute adjustments whilst you’re still in the early production stages.

Moving spontaneously from track to track when inspiration strikes can lead to unique and inspired sounds, and your tools should reflect this need to follow your creativity rather than hinder it.

Sonnox Claro is designed with these exact needs in mind.

Claro enables you to shape the rough sounds of each track in the production process first and then fine-tune later. This distraction-free approach will let your imagination and originality bloom; a feature that no plugin can replace.

It’s the perfect EQ for producers who want to stay in the flow, remain inspired throughout the production process and have all of the features of a supremely powerful EQ right at their fingertips.

If you’re ready to EQ with your creativity as a priority, then Claro is here to guide you through your mix.

Stage 1: Produce / 生产


我们可以立即看到声音能量在频谱中的位置与我们希望的位置 - 不仅仅是在赫兹方面,而且在我们通常用来描述声音的语言中。



只需将左侧的 Low Cut 滑块向右拖动即可消除低端隆隆声或减轻重量和泥浆。



之所以选择它们,是因为它们通常很有用,并且通常是一个很好的起点 - 足够接近,同时快速合成和混合,并且稍后在 Tweak 和 Mix 视窗中完全可调整。

对于任何对特定频率范围内 EQ 移动的声音有直觉的人来说,这些悬停快捷方式甚至可以比滑块更快。



启用低频段以进行隆隆声的低端增强,而没有典型搁架均衡器的泥泞感(很像经典的 Pultec 推/拉技巧!)。

Apply broad strokes to instantly sculpt how you want each instrument to sound.

Add high-end air to vocals, boost the low-end thud of a kick or make any other quick tonal adjustments in an intuitive, distraction-free Produce section.

Produce view’s visualiser allows you to see areas of energy throughout the spectrum to give you a broad overview of the tonal characteristics and to create a pocket for individual mix elements.

Stage 2: Tweak / 视窗

当您需要真正开始动手的时候,请进入 Tweak 视窗!

您从 Produce 视窗中进行的所有音色塑造动作都会被保留下来并可以进一步调整,并且最多可以添加 16 个额外的频段。

When you need to get into the finer details, Tweak gives you the tools to manipulate your tracks with immense detail and surgical precision while working quickly and efficiently.

Use Claro’s Tweak visualiser for adapting levels of detail, helpful highlighting of resonances and instant insights that guide you towards making better decisions and a lifetime of healthy EQ habits.

Stage 3: Mix / 混合

在 Tweak/Mix 视窗中,通过将它们切换到 Shelf Shape 并增加 Overshoot 控制(稍后会详细介绍)。




在立体声轨道上有一个 Tone | Width 按钮出现在插件下方页脚中。




宽频带仅将 EQ 应用于“侧”通道 -衰减频带以缩小该频谱区域中的立体声图像,或增强以加宽它。

提升时要小心 - 调整一点点就大有帮助!有关“中/侧”均衡器以及如何充分利用它的更多信息,请参阅立体声音调整形部分。





When you need to step back and look at your mix as a whole, Mix view displays all tracks in one window and highlights any frequency masking issues. Masking issues occur when different sounds compete and collide in the same frequency range, leading to muddiness, a lack of clarity and a feeling of congestion. This is not to say that masking is always bad. Masking can impart body, thickness, glue and cohesion to your mix. So, rather than removing *all* masking automatically, Claro empowers you to learn and decide whether it is negatively or positively contributing to the mix.

If you do want to remove masking to create separation and clarity in your mix, you can use Claro’s unique ‘Invert EQ’ function to cut and boost opposing tracks simultaneously. Use the Invert EQ function to apply corresponding boosts to one track and cuts to another to reduce masking and give each track its own spectral space.

Mid-Side EQ Processing / 用中端EQ处理


在 Claro 中,它与音调塑造一样快速且简单,允许您在每个音轨中纠正、加宽、缩小或腾出空间。


Mid-side EQ is an advanced EQ technique often essential for cleaning up stereo synths or creating space for vocals.

In Claro, it's as quick and easy as Tone shaping, allowing you to correct, widen, narrow, or make space within each track.

Use the Mid-Side EQ processing to boost the high-end frequencies into the stereo channel to create width or reduce bass rumble in the sides with a high pass filter.

Other Key Features...

Technical Language to Musical Language

For those more familiar with musical terminology as opposed to exact frequency ranges, Claro offers clear labels across the EQ to ‘translate’ frequencies into a language that producers and musicians can easily understand.

With the clear frequency range definitions added to the interface, you can talk in both musical and technical terminology - a vital skill for all mixers and producers.

‘Add body at 300Hz’, ‘cut harshness’ or ‘boost 90Hz’ – all common phrases used in mix engineering, and are all phrases that Claro will help you to understand and use when communicating with collaborators.

Finally, a piano roll is included along with the descriptive words, which is ideal for musicians or producers who like to think more musically.


Auto Gain Control

When you change the volume of a particular frequency range, as an EQ does, it will impact the overall volume too. This can result in falsely thinking a track sounds better just because its overall volume has increased.

Auto gain solves this problem by maintaining a consistent level, regardless of the EQ move that has been made.

This way, you can rest assured knowing that your EQ move has made a positive contribution and not just a perceived difference through the overall level change of the track.

Sonnox Claro Reviews

"You know, I'm a complainer. And really, honestly, everything with Claro is really well thought out."

Adam Hawkins (Twenty One Pilots, Machine Gun Kelly, Yungblud)


"I’ve been using it in every mix since I got the beta and I can’t wait to tell the world. It’s the ease of use, the Mix view where you can see every track at a glance, pair some tracks, compare their EQ curves, do inverse EQ moves to make everything fit. It’s such a huge time saver to be able to do everything in one Plug-In"

Nuno Fernandes (Bryan Adams, Elisa, Diana Krall)


"I love the sound and feel of this Plug-In, and the resonance visual feedback is better than anything else I’ve used"

Mike Exeter (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Cradle of Filth)


"I've got really into using this Plug-In now, it took a little time but now I feel like I can’t live without it! Mix mode is proving invaluable. It’s amazing!"

Rhys Fletcher (Beta Tester and songwriter)

AAX native 兼容音频插件
AU 兼容音频插件
mac os
ilok cloud
ilok usb
The Toolbox range offers 2 activations for each product licence you buy.
Providing you have an iLok account, each activation will allow you to authorise your Plug-In on one of these devices:
iLok device. iLok2 / iLok3 required with latest drivers
• iLok Cloud. Active internet connection required
For more information about these choices please click here.



Please see the following support article on general DAW compatibility - General DAW Compatibility

  • Pro Tools 11 and above – AAX Native 
  • Approved Pro Tools CPU, OS and hardware configuration:
  • Mac OS X 10.12 or later (Intel or Apple Silicon)
  • Windows 10 or later
Audio Units
  • Mac OS X 10.12 or later (Intel or Apple Silicon)
  • Mac OS X 10.12 or later (Intel or Apple Silicon)
  • Windows 10 or later
DSP Compatibility

Toolbox plug-ins do not support Avid’s TDM/HDX hardware DSP platform (including Venue, S3L and S6L systems), Waves SoundGrid or Universal Audio's UAD platform.

Sonnox Toolbox Claro is zero latency at all commmon sample rates.

Sample Rate (kHz) Latency (Samples) Latency (ms)
44.1 0 0
48 0 0
88.2 0 0
96 0 0
176.4 0 0
192 0 0

Sonnox Toolbox Claro supports all commmon sample rates.

44.1 – 48 kHz:
88.2 – 96 kHz:
176.4 – 192 kHz: